Dalam kerencaman arena hubungan antarabangsa, ASEAN kekal teguh dengan prinsip Satu Visi, Satu Identiti, Satu Komuniti.
Hari ini menjadi detik penting apabila dipertanggungjawabkan untuk mempengerusikan Mesyuarat Menteri-menteri Belia ASEAN Ke-12 (AMMY XII).
Mesyuarat ini telah membincangkan Laporan Kedua ASEAN Youth Development Index (YDI) yang bertujuan untuk mengukur dan memantau tahap kesejahteraan belia di rantau ASEAN.
Indeks ini melibatkan tujuh domain meliputi antaranya, aspek pendidikan, kesihatan, tenaga kerja, penglibatan politik dan identiti serta nilai ASEAN.
Mesyuarat turut meneliti kemajuan pelaksanaan inisiatif di bawah ASEAN Work Plan on Youth 2021-2025 yang mencakupi lima bidang keutamaan; pendidikan, pekerjaan dan kepimpinan, penyertaan, kesihatan dan kesejahteraan.
Paling utama apabila semua negara anggota mencapai persetujuan dengan kenyataan bersama Menteri-Menteri Belia ASEAN berhubung komitmen Negara Anggota ke atas pelaksanaan ASEAN Work Plan on Youth 2021-2025 dan memberi penghargaan kepada rakan dialog AMMY dan rakan strategik belia yang telah bersama-sama melaksanakan pelbagai inisiatif pembangunan belia di ASEAN.
Kepimpinan Malaysia dalam menerajui AMMY telah mendapat penghargaan pengiktirafan semua negara anggota ASEAN serta rakan dialog.
In the midsts of the complexity of today’s international relations, ASEAN remains steadfast with the principles of One Vision, One Identity, One Community.
Today marks an important moment as I was entrusted with the responsibility of chairing the 12th ASEAN Ministers Meeting on Youth (AMMY XII).
The meeting today discussed the Second ASEAN Youth Development Index (YDI) Report, which aims to measure and monitor the level of youth well-being in the ASEAN region.
The index covers seven domains, including education, health, employment, political involvement and identity, as well as ASEAN values.
The meeting also examined the progress in implementing initiatives under the ASEAN Work Plan on Youth 2021-2025, which covers five priority areas: education, employment and leadership, participation, health, and well-being.
Most importantly, all member countries have reached an agreement through the joint statement of ASEAN Youth Ministers regarding the commitment of Member States to implement the ASEAN Work Plan on Youth 2021-2025.
They also expressed appreciation to the AMMY dialogue partners and youth strategic partners who have jointly implemented various youth development initiatives in ASEAN.
Malaysia’s leadership in spearheading AMMY this year has received recognition and appreciation from all ASEAN member countries and dialogue partners.